Medford Garden Railroaders



We started the first Shasta Pacific garden railroad in 1998 and soon discovered that we didn’t care much for gardening and didn’t like doing everything on hands and knees. In 2005 we went to a raised table top layout that allowed more “model railroading” and no gardening.

The concept of our railroad is based on an actual rail company survey that was made in 1908 to build a rail line through the coast range mountains from Redding, CA to Humboldt Bay on California’s north coast. This seemed like a perfect fit for our plans as we lived in Redding at the time and had ties to the Humboldt Bay area. 

A second concept we borrowed from real life followed the practice of the McCloud River Lumber company and their McCloud River Railroad. The Shasta Pacific railroad is a wholly owned subsidiary of the South Fork Timber Company. The timber company owns all trackage and equipment but the Shasta Pacific is licensed as a common carrier.

In 2015 we moved from Redding to the Grants Pass area and started a new raised layout and this layout is shown in the pictures below.






© 2025 Medford Garden Railroaders, Inc. - all rights reserved